Thursday, February 3, 2011

You think, do you know me? probably not


crawl out of bed, i can feel the freezing cold in the room, it stings my toes like a bee, as I dress in the dark I think to myself, I should have went to bed earlier, and also where the hell are my shoes. Every morning I wake up thinking about life's notions, why do we do, the the things we do. Is it something that drives us? is there a motivation? or do we merely look at life like a check box and we need to get to the bottom of the list.

I walk to my car its 11 degrees outside, who in there right mind would walk to a car in that weather? so foolish, but drived by excellence and success, I need to, it starts off with that. that's how I will succeed in life. you think you will succeed in life by walking to your car? its little goals, as accomplishing them i will become better, so will you, that is if you want to.

I sip monster on the way to class listening to kid cudi, it calms my nerves and helps my focus on what is real, Yeah people die, yea people are being born. You ask to yourself people? full grown people that will have a full fledge life, or a temporary one, they will be a life for a moment or a lifetime. Its what makes them real. life. what really is it?

I get out of the car, put my buds in and still listening to the modern day bob Marley, I think to myself why did i move here I have to walk across campus and its freezing. Who decided this and why did god decide Utah to have snow and cold in the winter? Focusing on getting to class, I walk, walk faster than i should and start to feel the burn in my calves, but soon they will be numb. The feeling of being numb and absolutely helpless for my calves kinda brings me a sense of satisfaction. due to the problem of absolute carelessness.

I take a test in my gov class, and you are thinking right now, why am i reading this boring biography that this kid wrote about his life. I sit, sit in a hall and as on my mac I watch people walk by, some waddle, some speed walk, and some are barely awake. This is the american dream of individualism. But one thing we all have in common is, the time we need to take and breathe. think.everyone is going so fast focusing on what matters most in there life. They are searching for the pursuit of happiness. what ever is driving them, drugs, sex, money, they are looking to be happy. doesnt matter how old you are, or how overweight or buff you are, you are looking to be happy. instead of focusing on us, we as a people will need to focus on eachother and our neighbors, then we will find the happiness, and the pursuit will be found. now thats my point of view, but what ever makes you happy and sleep well at night do that. Hold to it and dont let anyone come in the way

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