Monday, October 22, 2007


Time… What is Time? Everyone in this world revolves around the simplicity of time. You have to be places at a certain time; your whole schedule will revolve around that particular time. Whether you have to wake up at a certain time for a job or school, or you may have to be in bed by a certain time to get enough sleep for the next time you wake up. Either way, no matter who you are, your world usually revolves around time.

Recently my brother Spencer has returned from his mission from the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission. It’s weird, thinking about time. I pondered this alot the past two weeks. People get so caught up in there lives and go day by day before they know it, times literally flown by. I remember it like yesterday when he and his friends graduated. Me not really meeting or having a decent group of friends in High school; his friends became mine. I remember ditching school with them, hanging out on the weekends and just having true fun with them. Now… Most of them are already back off there missions going to school, and starting a life of there own. Its funny looking at them going on missions, and seeing them go on and come back so changed with the true Light of Christ in them.

I as of now plan to serve a mission as of most LDS young men around the age of 19. I really do love the gospel and what it brings to peoples lives. It changes people, and it has changed me in my life. Earlier in my life, this wasn’t the absolutely first priority on my list to do. I had many other plans and I kinda got caught up in the world. With much thinking and time I decided that the lord truly wanted me to serve his church and to bring lost souls unto Christ. I, being a big kid my whole life have a bit of a health issue and am going to strive for that weight goal that the church has set. I have struggled with this my whole life, but my body has a hard to cooperating with my mind. I hope in time I will meet that goal and be able to serve a full time mission. This will be due in good time. Time will be the only factor now. Time is keeping me from what I truly desire, and if I have to deal with time I have to dealing with the changing of things and the changing of times. I’m going forth with faith and desire; Hopefully Ill be able to follow my dream. Pray for me..

Best Wishes

Cameron DeMille

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Illegal Imigratiom

Illegal Immigration

Is this phrase a right or wrong thing in America? It’s a good thing, if you do it the right way. People automatically assume that it’s a horrible decision to let these illegal aliens, stay and work. Americans who have been born and raised in this land of freedom don’t see the bigger picture. Most of these jobs that these aliens do aren’t exactly the kind of jobs most of the typical American citizen wouldn’t want to do. These aliens are looking for a better way of life, a way to better themselves and make the best of their lives.
Aliens who have made this decision and have done badly in there quest to become a citizen; what should we do with them? It costs 60,000 dollars a year to keep an inmate in jail. The question is should we throw them in jail and waste the tax payers money or we can waste our time and less money and deport them back into there country. This also has a drawback, they would continue to jump the borders and immigrate into this country.

So what I have basically taking from this debate is there really any solution to Illegal Immigration. Someone in the debate mentioned its like a boat with a million holes in it. You aren’t going to just let the boat sink, you are going to try and slowly plug those holes up. So that’s what we need to do gradually make minor changes and help slow down immigration, but also let those that have a purpose into the country. Those that will boost the economy and help the local neighborhoods should be welcomed into America. Let’s start step by step.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Las Vegas vs Idaho

Las Vegas Nevada.. Home of prostitutes, gambling, more gambling and tourism. My time, I have been here so far as been splendid. I have been looking for jobs and so far I haven't ran into any except for now. My father, is an estimator for a main concrete company named Precision Concrete. He wanted me to be on a pour crew. They pour every night at 1 a.m. and get over usually at about 8 or 9 in the morning. Yeah I know sounds like hell right? That was exactly it! I kinda wanted to try this out. So I get to the place. It was all the way down in Henderson, which from my house with out traffic is about a half hour. Yeah easy right? To think the rest of the morning was easy ha! Yeah sure! Well I get there and meet my foreman Sam. He’s a great guy and I kind of knew him from before when I worked at PC. I get there a little early and I start unloading tools and supplies for the pour. So about 1:30 ish we start to work. The cement trucks roll and roll in, like a line of hungry ants the line seemed so enormously long!!! Well to make a long story short. I met one guy, besides the foreman who knew English. I had no idea what the crap I was doing the whole time. And once that sun came it makes you want that warm and comfy bed even more. The biggest and hardest time I had with this job is you don’t get to spend any time with your family. I love and cherish my time with the family. How many kids 18 actually say that about theirs? Not Many! Well I woke up at like 8 or 9 and I felt like I literally have missed a part in my family’s lives. I know what you’re thinking. It’s only been one night! But the thing is one night was enough to make a difference in me. One Night was enough to change my attitude on how I see my life!

My dad then talk to a guy he knew. A great guy at that. This guy owned a major steel company, in Las Vegas. Well he knew of a job that was a runt job. It was a cleaning job, and if you have seen my room, its not exactly that. Anyways it wasn’t what I was looking for but hey, it was decent pay and Ill stick with it. Anyways I worked there for 2 days and I literally thought my feet were going to fall off. The job consist of cleaning four bathrooms; 2 women, 2 men. I had to start at 5 so I had to leave by 4 ish and that means I had to be up at 3:45. But to say the least Monk wouldn’t be too happy! It was the most despicable think I have every cleaned so many times and remain disgusting also. I cleaned two of the bathrooms twice a day. Every time I wanted to hurl. There was so much filth in that office I couldn’t take it. The worst part about it was I could only clean so much. It was stained black from the steel coming off the workers clothes. Then after 3 hours each morning I would circle the 10 acres and pick up trash! I had one 15 minute break and a half hour lunch. I literally counted down till the break, lunch and till when I actually got off! It was a good experience for me. It taught me to be humble about what you do. And no matter what you do it serves a good purpose. But that was enough of driving an hour and working for what it seemed like a ridiculous amount. I would be spending almost half my paycheck on gas. Yeah I know it wouldn’t work to well with me!

Two jobs and 4 weeks later. I miss Idaho. I like the people, the environment, and I need to get an early start on school! I always do. Plus since Ill be working up there for money, cuz I’m broke; I need to find a job before the rush sets in! I am going to be living up there in a house. Some people call it the Goff house or the party house! What ever it is in your book, It should be a good home to me! I’m really looking forward to the guys. Most of them have been there for me. And you know they are also freaking sweet! Well that’s enough of me. If I get what I want ill be up there Saturday night! HEARTS!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Past Months

Its funny how people act sometimes. Im in a boat right now where, I didn't realize how good things were until I left. Yes I left home the end of February. I thought it was a reason to get away from my parents a reason to make something of what I wanted to be for myself of course. Was I ready? No probably not, but my teenage thoughts were thinking that I needed to get away and experience things for myself. Now this was a good thing for me. I randomly told the people that were important to me that I was ready to move out and get ahead start on life. I had applied to UVSC and I was supposed to go to school in the Summer there. I then went to Utah , me rushing into things I could have waited until August to move up there but this was the trip to just take a look around; and get used to things. I had found many Apartment complexes, I didn't like most of them, I had a spoiled state of mind at the time coming from a beautiful home in Las Vegas, I knew what exactly I wanted and most of those were dumps. Now a couple days into my search, I had came across a place called the Branbury. This place was way rad, I loved the surroundings, and it was just a great place to start, that I thought. My mother and I, went to the main office, little to know that there were contracts for sale. We found one that seemed really cool, so we took a look at it.

I knocked on the door, A guy around 20ish opened it and welcomed us in. He was talking to us about our life, and he had told us that he had been working for this company selling systems, and hes just living life strong. Seemed like a really cool guy. Anyways, I take a look at the room. It was completely trashed and a couple of drawers were missing. The roomed smelt a dirty musk, and the balcony door was open. I walked in picked some things up and took then out in the hall way. The bed was way huge, It was a double in a small room, but it could work I thought. I then walked out and met my mother outside. I wanted this room it was really cool. So we bought the contract. I was excited to finally live on my own.

The nex couple of days I was focusing on moving in and just spending time with my mom. Yes it was hard, as any real human bein; saying goodbye to the one who gave birth to you isn't always the easiest thing, even if you aren't always on good terms. But eventually we said goodbye.

The next couple of months went by so FAST! I made a deal with my parents that I was supposes to look for a job and start doing school stuff. Yeah that was on my mind, I searched eagerly for a job had a couple of openings but people just didn' want to hire me. The firts month was really fun. I met alot of great people in my ward, and in my complex. It was harder to meet people out of my complex because school hadn't started yet. But it was good times. From there it just started going down hill. More and more things started happening in my apartment. The guys in this apartmet ranged from 20-23, and I was made sure I knew I was the youngest. Constant messing and harassing with the youngest kid. but this wasn't all. Alcohol in the fridge and the freezer. Girls staying over all night doing who knows what in the rooms, (being private rooms, they each had there own lock on the doors.) Drugs in the kitchen, and people not going to bed til sometimes 4 in the morning daily. It wasn't a healthy lifestyle. Yes sure I could live with it a period of time, Until one of my roomates brought home a taser. My frustration and anger I've kept in this whole time, finally boiled over. I was sick of it, I was sick of the way I was being treated and the way they were treating themselves. It was old.

My brother only lived a 5 minute drive away. I would go visit him alot and just hang out. He was my best friend, and the person that was there for me. So yes I went over there alot. Whenever I went over there, we would just talk about life. What was going on at home and in our personal lives. It was a really awesome time for me, because I would spiritually, physically and emotionally grow from him and his sweet wife. I was planning on telling him all these things but I just couldn't do it that night. I couldn't open up and spill what had really been going on. Then it happend he asked me how my roomates were. I couldnt lie, I just spilled it all. I told him what had really been going on, and what I as in individual was suffering through. He has my own blood, reacted in a way I was pleased with. He called all his friends, which in time grew to be some of my closest friends, to help get me out of there. Now it was about 11 o'clock and yes they were generous enough to take time out of the own busy lives to rescue me from this what seemed like earthly hell.

I moved out and I had to look for another place to live because I already had payed for my schooling. So eventually I found out I actually was accepted into BYU- Idaho. It was in Rexburg Idaho, and I made the move a day later. Classes began that monday which was in a couple days, so I had to move fast! Rexburg and BYU-I, was one of the best things that had happend to me. I constently prayed about getting me out of that horribla apartment complex. I had received the answers to my prayers, it was one of the most significant events that had occured in my life yet.

Now living in Rexburg, two weeks left of school, and about to go home to my splendid home town Las Vegas. I couldn't be more happier, yeah I have had some down times, ok alot of down times in my life. But I can recognize the up times and the good times. I cherish my time up here, and I love everyone I come in contact with. These people have truly changed my life, in a good way. I cant wait untill I go back to Las Vegas, and be around the people who love my unconditionaly.

Moral of the story, Don' take things for advantage, you never know what you have and what truly matters until you lose it. And its all gone!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

People and Money, WHY?

In the past couple weeks, I have came about just some cheap people. Why do people get so caught up in money? Why do people enjoy using people for what they have earned or do they not even understand what they are doing when they are doing it. Over this summer people have asked me, hey can you take care of this and Ill pay you right back? Me being the person I am, I lend money to them, accepting and trusting them that they will indeed pay me back. A couple of times this has happend. I then confont the person the next week. They then get into an argument with me, Why do they have to pay me back and why am I being so dang stingy? The thing is I let it go, Wait for another week and then they ask me to help them out again! I simply laugh at them and they then call me a cheap fool, and I would never help anyone out when they really need it. This is all in there eyes because I would help any one as long as I know they can be trusted.

Money is one of the best and worst physical object I have delt with. Yeah sure people will ask haha why are you making a blog about this? You are just taking this way to serious and you need to take it easy. Well if you just think about it. What are most of the wars about in history, POWER! With alot of money comes alot of power; and with power comes a great deal of responsibility. So what it all eventually goes back to is Money. People will anything and everything for money. Its sad to what aspect people will go to, in there life to either save it or get more of it. Why do people strive for this papery stuff. Is it the look of it, or is the POWER it gives?

Do me a favor? Change the world, and dont let this little thing overcome what you are and what you believe in!