Life... is an adventure. Lately I have had my shares of them. This semester is for a new life, A new way of living, A new apartment, actually looking for a different job and being happier of where I am in life. My life has been the feeling of constantly being let down and never measuring up to whats expected of me. Before my service for my mission I had no care of the changes that how I was supposed to be better each day. Since then I have this constant urge that I need to be better, do more, and be busier more than ever. Ive realized in the past year that these are all very important, but nonetheless, that The important part is me being ok with me. if that makes sense at all..
Im very proud of where and who I am today. I take full responsibilities for my actions whether be good or bad. Ive now realize that people including me are aren't perfect and its okay if people/family know about the imperfections that I have. No they can't really help me in an immediate manner. They can try to be there for me, but when it comes down to it. Iam there for myself and no one else is.
Drake a Hiphop Artist says in one of his lines. I really like who Im becoming. And thats how I feel. Im not necessarily ok with what I am today but Im not regretting things of the past.. But Im okay with who I am Becoming. Im becoming a better person. and for that I work each day at it, because its the out come of who I BECOME...
this is a thought that came to me the other day, the sun had just risen and I was driving to work. Feeling the cold on my fingertips I had a good half an hour to think about life:
We had a good time every night, the next day I was always regretting the feelings I had for you. Since then Ive stopped seeing you and convince myself each day that Im somehow happier without you..It will be a fight each day to avoid you....
Slowly getting there...
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