Monday, May 28, 2012
The people I can see every other month, that is a big part of the sadness that comes with moving back, but its also the feeling of failure in my part. I lived on my own, paid for pretty much everything on my own and made all of my own decisions. Going to school full time and working full time was one hard year, but i did it. I put my time in for instate tuition, and now that will be gone and a waste. If only I could give it to another individual that was doing the same thing as I did a couple years ago. But I feel like I have learned things I wouldn't otherwise learn living at home. Ive fought with the devil on many occasions battling with certain problems, and I've came out on top and am better because of it.
My brother Daniel, his wife maloree, and their son Ethan I will forever have memories of living so close to them. They have became my best friends through it all and the greatest examples that i have seen. I love them dearly and it will be big chunk out of my life not living so close to them. I loved the sundays over at their house and grandmas house, always felt welcome to anything I needed, and truly cherished the time I had with them and my nephew E. I pray that I will be able to make it up to Utah just to see E's face and to have him play with his uncle TIK TIK.
I loved the time I had with great friends, and I hated the time I felt used and traded by people. I have lost a lot of trust in people that I never would think I would lose. I have had friends and lost a lot of friends, and if i don't make an effort in trying to become a part of your life, well you know its you good riddance. But I thank my roommates and close friends for the times Ive needed them and always being there for me. I hope this next crossroad in my life will bring me joy and set me free from a lot of things I have been going though. I just pray I feel myself again.
Friday, March 16, 2012

Something hit me today, more than ever before. I need to do something positive with my time and I need to make something happen in my spare time. So with little spare time I have I have decided to make this a food blog. So if you ever wanna go somewhere with the same fast I have and you want something good, I will post about it every time I go somewhere new. SWEET, are you as excited as I am.
Today my Missionary companion and i decided that we needed some PHO. It was more like me saying hey grow, lets go get some pho (FUH). As we drive down State street looking for a place that sales this delectable bowl of hot noodles and soup. We stop at one place which was closed at 5:30 pm. Yes thank you Utah Valley. We then stop at a place on Center orem and State, called SHUBA SHUBA. Yeah what the hell is that I ask myself as I walk through the front door.
We are so eagerly greeted by a man, and sat at the bar, He begins to talk over the menu, because we address that we have never been there. Eh sounded like the typical asian place. He was very personal and helpful, but i wanted to cut to the chase. I ask him for a bowl of beef Pho. Sounds typical and as I served my mission in Houston I would eat this stuff multiple times. I hoped that this would be the same as my Pho I had previously. Well As he brought it out it was a generous portion and He gave me garnishes to put it. The broth was tasty, and the meet fresh. But the Pho it self was a bit bland. My friend Aaron ordered a couple simple sushi rolls, and they tasted bland also. Not much flavor but somewhat fresh fish. I order a roll. and it comes out a bit surprising, but still very bland and lacked a word… yea. flavor! Aaron orders a specialty roll, which is by far the best I had and from that I determined that the specialty rolls are the only way to go. So from my total service and food at the restaurant I payed 15 dollars, for a Generous size of Pho and a not so tasty roll.
- Taste-4
- Price $$
- Service 3 stars
Uniqueness of the menu- very, Shuba Shuba is a fondu type style, dipping meats and veges into boiling broths. Kinda like a two in one meal, because you have the broth when you are done to slurp up.
Tip. Awesome people and great service, a bit over barring but very eager to help. Go at 3, thats happy hour, save some money and stick with the Shuba Shuba
Location- Corner of State and Center in Orem in Orem, Utah No address
Good LUCK!
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Monday, May 16, 2011
this is me....
You probably don't know me very well, and if you do, you're probably wrong. but if you think so, good riddance....
This is ME…
My mother and father were very strong people growing up. They, like most people growing up didn’t have a lot of things, so they got by with what they could. They were neighbors as kids, and as they matured and grew older went to the same high school, and started to date. As my Father left on a mission for the LDS church my mother patiently waited. As he returned they were married in the St. George temple. You may wonder why I talk about my parents; I briefly talk about them because this is how I began. Without them, there was no me.
I am the third son out of 6 kids, with only one girl. As I was born we had just barely moved into a house that my father and grandfather built from the ground up. This is a major example of who I am today. My father taught me to work hard. It didn’t matter if it was mowing the lawn or building a house, the work ethic of my father was one I always wanted to carbon copy. There were countless times growing up; I would have plans on Saturday to go out exploring and riding bikes with my friends, but my father had different ideas. We needed to get things done for the week. My father once woke me up at 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday, now being the only day to sleep in; this was my pride and joy. We had an eagle project to go help with. After this it was about noon, and this is when exhaustion hit. My father went back out into the yard and started mowing lawns pulling weeds, and working on the car. This is a prime example of what I truly want to become.
Another example of me; happened in my sophomore year in High school, it was in mid December, and I was in my chemistry class in High school. I distinctively remember the day, it was an unusually warmer day, but still had a chill in the air. We had just been given the assignment to do some worksheets; we were a very close class and I had friends all around me. We started messing around a bit and our teacher Mr. Richards yelled at us to get back to work, so with fear, we did. In the next seconds my life will change. I hear Cameron, as I look up a pencil is flying towards my eye. At an instance that felt like eternity I felt the pain go through my head and down to my toes. I closed my eye and it started bleeding; I, thinking it hit my eyelid assured everyone it was fine and I was okay; this was a real tough guy move. Finally my lab partner convinced me of going to the nurse’s office due to something floating in my eye. I rush down there and of course the nurse thinking it’s a piece of pencil asked me to try and get it out. I pinch at it a couple times and nothing happens. Then she calls my mom, as my head is throbbing in pain I realize I can’t see out of this eye. The next thing I remember was sitting in my close friends chair, that happen to be an optometrist. He began to tell me this was greater than him and I needed attention immediately. I saw an ophthalmologist and she demanded to have surgery that night. I recall telling my mother, that all I wanted was to see again, and have my vision back. The surgery went well from what I remember of it and the next day was the moment of truth. As I was driving down in the car I thought about this moment in time and how it will affect my life. What will happen, and will I ever be “normal” again. We get to the doctors and I sit down. The doctor begins to take the patch of my eye and I cried tears of joy because I could see my mother across the room.
Eventually after another surgery and countless doctor appointments, I was able to get contacts again, There are some side effects that I live with daily but nevertheless, I knew at that moment that I was one of the luckiest people alive. From then on, I have realized to never take anything for granted, work hard, have fun with life, and be yourself. This is my motto, and I’m striving to live by it everyday!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Going to the gym and walking home at 10 oclock at night gives you time to think about where you are personally with yourself, others, and God. Do people individually feel alone? They may feel empty, alone, lost, and even forgotten; but the cure is self awareness. People feel these things because they believe they need other people to help them feel welcome. But can man or women live alone? is it good for them?
To me and myself Im at a place right now where im ok. Im not searching for a wife, cool friends to belittle me, or even crowds to welcome me. I'm me, and i do it what I want. I feel if we have this kind of attitude, maybe god puts things into place. If we do what we are supposed and enjoy life, really enjoy it then things will happen.
NO I haven't been the best looking, the most popular kid, or even the most worthy and positive individual; but I try. I care about people, too much. I enjoy having a good time, and i love the company of people who bring you up, lift your spirits and is never negative and draining. People like that shouldn't be in my life period.
I'm writing this now in my cold and damp apartment feeling that people are people. The people and girls that are always happy and trying to impact my life for the better because they care, are the people I truly and deeply care about... I guess to leave you with one question...
When you wake up in the morning, what kind of thoughts go through your head? How do you see life? half empty or half full?
the picture is a texas sunset in my first area. this is where i grew to look at life half full...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Music is my life. I love every types. I came to this while i was in my humanities, and my professor had put a clip of Mozart on. I realized then how amazing he was. Music is simply the key point of individualism. Music is different to everyone, the person next to you may say well the best music is country, and the person next to me says hey I love Metal. Hey that's cool. what makes you happy rock that. For me I'm a addicted to anything that sounds good. if it sounds good its in my i-pod. if it doesn't well you wont see it on there, that's how I am.
Music is clever. The lyrics, are poetry and very intelligent most of the time. Someone can tell another person his or her feelings about anything through the lyrics. Some people fall in love from music, some people break up from music. Some people get away from the word, just by listening to there favorite tune sitting in there room thinking. Some people take there lives because the influence of it.It changes how we dress, how our personality becomes. It influences our mood, from positive and quirky like a cheerleader, or depressed as a kid with lack of self esteem, but hopefully as that kid listens more, he will change with music. Change, comes about from different music. Kids listen as there mothers sing along in the car, and as kids learn they grow and find their type of music, which then influences them the rest of their life and so on to the children they have. So nonetheless its effected everyone no matter who or what you are.
This is music to me. Its as marijuana to the pot head. A sick muscle car to the red neck. An inhaler to a nerd. A beautiful set of running shoes to the cross country star. Music is the heroine the cherry on top. Its my life. I hope that in heaven music will be played. to help us escape the mistakes of the previous life, like it has done to me in this life.
Now I ask, where would I be with out it? Think about this, take something you absolutely love, desire, cant do without, and now take it away. How do you feel? Helpless? drained? lost? that's how my life would be with out it..
Thursday, February 3, 2011
You think, do you know me? probably not
crawl out of bed, i can feel the freezing cold in the room, it stings my toes like a bee, as I dress in the dark I think to myself, I should have went to bed earlier, and also where the hell are my shoes. Every morning I wake up thinking about life's notions, why do we do, the the things we do. Is it something that drives us? is there a motivation? or do we merely look at life like a check box and we need to get to the bottom of the list.
I walk to my car its 11 degrees outside, who in there right mind would walk to a car in that weather? so foolish, but drived by excellence and success, I need to, it starts off with that. that's how I will succeed in life. you think you will succeed in life by walking to your car? its little goals, as accomplishing them i will become better, so will you, that is if you want to.
I sip monster on the way to class listening to kid cudi, it calms my nerves and helps my focus on what is real, Yeah people die, yea people are being born. You ask to yourself people? full grown people that will have a full fledge life, or a temporary one, they will be a life for a moment or a lifetime. Its what makes them real. life. what really is it?
I get out of the car, put my buds in and still listening to the modern day bob Marley, I think to myself why did i move here I have to walk across campus and its freezing. Who decided this and why did god decide Utah to have snow and cold in the winter? Focusing on getting to class, I walk, walk faster than i should and start to feel the burn in my calves, but soon they will be numb. The feeling of being numb and absolutely helpless for my calves kinda brings me a sense of satisfaction. due to the problem of absolute carelessness.
I take a test in my gov class, and you are thinking right now, why am i reading this boring biography that this kid wrote about his life. I sit, sit in a hall and as on my mac I watch people walk by, some waddle, some speed walk, and some are barely awake. This is the american dream of individualism. But one thing we all have in common is, the time we need to take and breathe. think.everyone is going so fast focusing on what matters most in there life. They are searching for the pursuit of happiness. what ever is driving them, drugs, sex, money, they are looking to be happy. doesnt matter how old you are, or how overweight or buff you are, you are looking to be happy. instead of focusing on us, we as a people will need to focus on eachother and our neighbors, then we will find the happiness, and the pursuit will be found. now thats my point of view, but what ever makes you happy and sleep well at night do that. Hold to it and dont let anyone come in the way