Music is my life. I love every types. I came to this while i was in my humanities, and my professor had put a clip of Mozart on. I realized then how amazing he was. Music is simply the key point of individualism. Music is different to everyone, the person next to you may say well the best music is country, and the person next to me says hey I love Metal. Hey that's cool. what makes you happy rock that. For me I'm a addicted to anything that sounds good. if it sounds good its in my i-pod. if it doesn't well you wont see it on there, that's how I am.
Music is clever. The lyrics, are poetry and very intelligent most of the time. Someone can tell another person his or her feelings about anything through the lyrics. Some people fall in love from music, some people break up from music. Some people get away from the word, just by listening to there favorite tune sitting in there room thinking. Some people take there lives because the influence of it.It changes how we dress, how our personality becomes. It influences our mood, from positive and quirky like a cheerleader, or depressed as a kid with lack of self esteem, but hopefully as that kid listens more, he will change with music. Change, comes about from different music. Kids listen as there mothers sing along in the car, and as kids learn they grow and find their type of music, which then influences them the rest of their life and so on to the children they have. So nonetheless its effected everyone no matter who or what you are.
This is music to me. Its as marijuana to the pot head. A sick muscle car to the red neck. An inhaler to a nerd. A beautiful set of running shoes to the cross country star. Music is the heroine the cherry on top. Its my life. I hope that in heaven music will be played. to help us escape the mistakes of the previous life, like it has done to me in this life.
Now I ask, where would I be with out it? Think about this, take something you absolutely love, desire, cant do without, and now take it away. How do you feel? Helpless? drained? lost? that's how my life would be with out it..