Well, Im back, Yes Im back from the wonderful state of Texas. I have been back for two months now. and the only reason Im posting this is the plain reason to note to my self the things I have learned since I have been back. First things first. When you are gone from home, you think the world is doing something important, Sad thing is this happens to a lot of people. I thought so many things were going on, and it made me sad that I was missing out. Yeah I missed out on some things, babys being born, music concerts, a younger brother leaving- and I still miss the crap out of him, but the world keeps turning, and we have to live with it. Second- Life is still prone to satan, I thought when I come back I will be good, nothing can bring me down, oh how I was wrong, to really think, that he wasnt there anymore, think again, he'll get you! And Last of just many things I have been thinking about, Friends that are true friends, stay true friends. Family stays family, they will be there if its meant to be. I Believe there are so many people, yet an individual can become friends with multiple people. Sometimes this works out, other times it doesnt. If people want to be in your life, they will make the effort, as well that individual has to also. I hope this makes sense and Im not blabbering, But thats life to me, as of now, its not always greener on the other side, live by it!