Well! This has been the longest like 6 months of my life. I have been losing weight and trying to get things situated for yours truly to go on a mormon mission! Well I was over the weight limit and yes they do have one, its pretty laxed. They have it if u are 6 feet you are supposed to weigh Blank amount of pounds. Anyways I being a big kid my whole life,( If u dont know this you obviously dont know me) ha Had to lose some weight.. I went through a couple diet plans and none started to work out. Then an answer to my prayers came. My father had been doing a lil research on dieting and there was this diet that you pretty much only ate about 500 calories a day, while taking these drops twice a day. It was intense and a bit of a commitment! The price of the drops were up there, and we had to go to Irvine CA to get them. This was HARDCORE! haha anyways.. I did the diet stuck with it! And lost about 65 pounds.. Yeah If u have seen me it didnt look much of a change, but I am Happier now that I did it. I was in some peoples eyes a walking heart attack.. hah u know who u are.. anyways.. Got some other "stuff" situated that i did in the past and I put my papers in..
So two weeks later, I was expecting a call... If u dont know the papers are all done electronically now and u get ur call faster also.. well It didnt come! Depressing! but it came the next day! I had to wait for my dad and lil bro to get home before i could open it. Some of my closest family members were on the phone and there in person! I was anxious! I got my call to the Houston South Texas Mission, I leave OCT 1! So Im way stoked.. Right away I fet relieved and shocked.. I dont remember who I was even talking to after that or that whole time.. It was the wierdest and most exciting I have felt in a while.. So now I have to wait! This sucks! I now have two months to wait until that date. and I wish it could just go by!!! but it has to happen like that so Im ready to go!
Anyways thats a lil taste of what of my recent life.. its short not too sweet, but it will do and its me haha.. anyways I guess im out!