Thursday, August 16, 2007

Las Vegas vs Idaho

Las Vegas Nevada.. Home of prostitutes, gambling, more gambling and tourism. My time, I have been here so far as been splendid. I have been looking for jobs and so far I haven't ran into any except for now. My father, is an estimator for a main concrete company named Precision Concrete. He wanted me to be on a pour crew. They pour every night at 1 a.m. and get over usually at about 8 or 9 in the morning. Yeah I know sounds like hell right? That was exactly it! I kinda wanted to try this out. So I get to the place. It was all the way down in Henderson, which from my house with out traffic is about a half hour. Yeah easy right? To think the rest of the morning was easy ha! Yeah sure! Well I get there and meet my foreman Sam. He’s a great guy and I kind of knew him from before when I worked at PC. I get there a little early and I start unloading tools and supplies for the pour. So about 1:30 ish we start to work. The cement trucks roll and roll in, like a line of hungry ants the line seemed so enormously long!!! Well to make a long story short. I met one guy, besides the foreman who knew English. I had no idea what the crap I was doing the whole time. And once that sun came it makes you want that warm and comfy bed even more. The biggest and hardest time I had with this job is you don’t get to spend any time with your family. I love and cherish my time with the family. How many kids 18 actually say that about theirs? Not Many! Well I woke up at like 8 or 9 and I felt like I literally have missed a part in my family’s lives. I know what you’re thinking. It’s only been one night! But the thing is one night was enough to make a difference in me. One Night was enough to change my attitude on how I see my life!

My dad then talk to a guy he knew. A great guy at that. This guy owned a major steel company, in Las Vegas. Well he knew of a job that was a runt job. It was a cleaning job, and if you have seen my room, its not exactly that. Anyways it wasn’t what I was looking for but hey, it was decent pay and Ill stick with it. Anyways I worked there for 2 days and I literally thought my feet were going to fall off. The job consist of cleaning four bathrooms; 2 women, 2 men. I had to start at 5 so I had to leave by 4 ish and that means I had to be up at 3:45. But to say the least Monk wouldn’t be too happy! It was the most despicable think I have every cleaned so many times and remain disgusting also. I cleaned two of the bathrooms twice a day. Every time I wanted to hurl. There was so much filth in that office I couldn’t take it. The worst part about it was I could only clean so much. It was stained black from the steel coming off the workers clothes. Then after 3 hours each morning I would circle the 10 acres and pick up trash! I had one 15 minute break and a half hour lunch. I literally counted down till the break, lunch and till when I actually got off! It was a good experience for me. It taught me to be humble about what you do. And no matter what you do it serves a good purpose. But that was enough of driving an hour and working for what it seemed like a ridiculous amount. I would be spending almost half my paycheck on gas. Yeah I know it wouldn’t work to well with me!

Two jobs and 4 weeks later. I miss Idaho. I like the people, the environment, and I need to get an early start on school! I always do. Plus since Ill be working up there for money, cuz I’m broke; I need to find a job before the rush sets in! I am going to be living up there in a house. Some people call it the Goff house or the party house! What ever it is in your book, It should be a good home to me! I’m really looking forward to the guys. Most of them have been there for me. And you know they are also freaking sweet! Well that’s enough of me. If I get what I want ill be up there Saturday night! HEARTS!